Eminent Member
Joined: 3 September 2023 20:42
Last seen: 18 September 2023 20:39
Topics: 5 / Replies: 15
Replies: 1
Views: 275
RE: Is there a way to tell if I am over-roasting?

You likely are burning them. If you are doing a darker roast, this can be hard to tell at times. Some beans will appear burnt but taste fine. When are...

1 year ago
RE: Air fryer roasting beans, is it possible?

It turns out, you can! I had no idea about this either. A channel I follow mentioned it in a recent video. I guess this would depend on which machi...

1 year ago
RE: Coffee scented lotions and body washes

I just checked it out. That is pricey! This is an American brand? The reviews make me tempted to try it. Although, I should check etsy first. I am sur...

1 year ago
RE: This is me, every morning now

Maybe the face is because someone had told him "no!" haha Magnolia makes the same face when she is begging for seconds of her food and she had alrea...

1 year ago
RE: Do you think blends that are more local to one another taste better?

Yes, I suppose that does make sense. I have to wonder if sourcing locations deal more with cost in this case. I know there are all sorts of different ...

1 year ago
RE: What type of bean does Starbucks use for the espresso added to their espresso frappuccino?

I am not entirely sure which area they are sourced in but most Arabica and Robusta beans have similar flavour. You will get better flavour with higher...

1 year ago
RE: Do you have a favourite coffee mug?

I figured I would just ask in this thread, is there a place that sells larger mugs? I find that most are rather small. Great for tea but I like to hav...

1 year ago
RE: What is a good fall flavour other than pumpkin spice (which I do not like!) ?

Check your local cafes, I am sure you will find someone that offers it, at the very least offers some sort of white mocha drink and you can request to...

1 year ago
RE: Are hand frothers (whisks) any good?

She got me the PowerLix Milk Frother Handheld Whisk. They come in different colours so you can match it to your kitchen or appliances. I checked the p...

1 year ago
Replies: 2
Views: 351
RE: Are hand frothers (whisks) any good?

I LOVE MINE! My sister-in-law got me one for this past Christmas with a few other things and I use it all the time. I only recently started using it f...

1 year ago
RE: What is a good fall flavour other than pumpkin spice (which I do not like!) ?

I don't much care for the flavor either. One that I have really grown to enjoy is a blend of white chocolate and caramel. I think this is considered a...

1 year ago
RE: What type of bean does Starbucks use for the espresso added to their espresso frappuccino?

I believe this is the case for all their coffee and not just their espresso but they use a blend of Arabica and Robusta beans. A lot of coffee places ...

1 year ago
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